A Coffee With Lisa

Team A Coffee With Lisa A newly minted fifty-year-old, Lisa is a product of Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers and School House Rock. So, She loves creative and warm humans who can sing their times tables. And she says she love my neighbors. Your favorite quote? “When someone...
A Coffee with Eligio

A Coffee with Eligio

Team A Coffee with Eligio Eligio is the original founder and partner at Iperdesign. He’s all about design. Eligio is actually a dual citizen of Italy and the US and enjoys spending his summers in Puglia with his family. What’s your favorite 90’s jam? Four non...
A Coffee with Dante

A Coffee with Dante

Team A Coffee with Dante Dante is a designer here at Iperdesign. He graduated from Temple in 2017. He is currently living in South Philly. Dante says he loves music, going to concerts, exploring Philly and his dog Momo. What’s your favorite 90’s jam? Daft Punk Your...

A Coffee With Fernando

Team A Coffee With Fernando Another one of our interns, Fernando, is an English major with a minor in writing at Drexel. He was born in Puerto Rico, but raised in Philadelphia. Fernando asserts to live for concerts, tattoos and hoarding sneakers. He also enjoys...
A Coffee With Kathryn

A Coffee With Kathryn

Team A Coffee With Kathryn Continuing with our interns, Iperdesign has decided to introduce Kathryn. Similar to several of our interns, Kathryn is a student at Drexel. She is a Graphic Design major from North Carolina. She says video games and drawing are...
A Coffee With John

A Coffee With John

Team A Coffee With John We’re featuring another of our interns, John. He is a Computer Science major at Drexel, and is currently in his second year. He admits he’s not a social person and spends most of his time day dreaming and playing video games....