
A Coffee With Kathryn

Continuing with our interns, Iperdesign has decided to introduce Kathryn. Similar to several of our interns, Kathryn is a student at Drexel. She is a Graphic Design major from North Carolina. She says video games and drawing are her calling—and when she’s actually ever in the mood to go outside, she enjoy hikes in the woods.

So, here are her answers to the What’s Your I(per)Q? questions:

What’s your favorite 90’s jam?

Vogue by Madonna.

Your favorite quote?

“Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people we personally dislike”.

Mountains or the beach?

Mountains- better to be cold than too hot!

Favorite restaurant in Philly?

U-Town at Penn’s campus. Best Korean ever.

Your favorite 3 things in life?

My cat Dapper, Chick-Fil-A, and my best friend Cassidy.

Say a word in Italian


Your favorite part of working here?

The accepting people and the environment.

What is the maximum amount of coffee you’ve had in a day?

One iced coffee, one shot of expresso and a whole bottle of Frappucino.

Three people you could dine with, living or dead?

My cousin Megan, BoBrhnam, and John Mulaney.

Fill in the blank- if you really knew me, you’d know……

I know WAY too much about Pokemon!

Next week, we’ll continue showcasing the Iperdesign team. Come back and read the rest of the team’s answers!