Player 1, Ready?
Robot, check. Moving ledges, check. Potential deadly lasers, check.
Our server has came under attack from pesky data eating scuttle bugs. They have decided to eat all of the image files, and to keep our designs safe, we need your help to stop them.
iperbot was a long term project made by iperdesign, with the help of our interns.
Bugs, Ew.
Evade the scuttle bugs. They are hungry and looking for their next file to eat. You need to use iperbot to stop them from ruining our server. The bugs are equipped with lasers for eyes, so make sure you don’t stay still for too long.
Save Our Files.
Our iperbot has a whole range of abilities that help with survival. You can make him jump off walls, glide in the air, and duck under obstacles, all without breaking a robotic sweat. Utilizing every skill is the only way to reach the end of the game. Use them to navigate your way through the level, and save our files before they’re eaten.
Stay Alive.
Every time you save one of the iperdesign image files your health replenishes. Use these to your advantage, the more you save the easier the game gets. There are also check points throughout the levels that are in the shape of this friendly robot below.

Bugs, Ew.
Evade the scuttle bugs. They are hungry and looking for their next file to eat. You need to use iperbot to stop them from ruining our server. The bugs are equip with lasers for eyes, so make sure you don’t stay still for too long.
Save Our Files.
Our iperbot has a whole range of abilities that help with survival. You can make him jump off walls, glide in the air, and duck under obstacles, all without breaking a robotic sweat. Utilizing every skill is the only way to reach the end of the game. Use them to navigate your way through the level, and save our files before they’re eaten.
Stay Alive.
Every time you save one of the iperdesign image files your health replenishes. Use these to your advantage, the more you save the easier the game gets. There are also check points throughout the levels that are in the shape of this friendly robot behind a desk.