
A Coffee With Fernando

Another one of our interns, Fernando, is an English major with a minor in writing at Drexel. He was born in Puerto Rico, but raised in Philadelphia. Fernando asserts to live for concerts, tattoos and hoarding sneakers. He also enjoys shopping for clothes and all things Drag Race!

After asking him the following questions, these were his answers:

What’s your favorite 90’s jam?

Where do I begin, I LOVE the 90’s for its music. It’s hard, but anything Aaliyah!

Your favorite quote?

“You gotta risk it to get the biscuit”.

Mountains or the beach?

Definitely the beach, I need the color… I’m too pale.

Favorite restaurant in Philly?

Oh… definitely Tierra Colombiana.

Your favorite 3 things in life?

Well, besides for Beyoncé and food, I’d say my best friends, movies and music!

Say a word in Italian


Your favorite part of working here?

The liberty of writing as much as I want to and the location.

What is the maximum amount of coffee you’ve had in a day?

1 cup… not really a coffee person.

Three people you could dine with, living or dead?

This was hard, but I’d say SZA, Rihanna, and Drake. Can you imagine the tension!

Fill in the blank- if you really knew me, you’d know……

I went to Coachella this year, and most of my tattoos are connected to music.

Do you have any favorite music artists? Let us know! And make sure you keep coming back each week to meet another cool member from Iperdesign.