

A Coffee with Dante

Dante is a designer here at Iperdesign. He graduated from Temple in 2017. He is currently living in South Philly. Dante says he loves music, going to concerts, exploring Philly and his dog Momo.

What’s your favorite 90’s jam?

Daft Punk

Your favorite quote?

“You have a 100,000 bad drawings in you. Once you get past those, you get to the good ones.”

Mountains or the beach?


Favorite restaurant in Philly?

South Philly Tap Room

Your favorite 3 things in life?

Music, art and my dog- in that order!

Say a word in Italian


Your favorite part of working here?


What is the maximum amount of coffee you’ve had in a day?

3 cups.

Three people you could dine with, living or dead?

Brandon, Julia, and Ebby.

Fill in the blank- if you really knew me, you’d know……

How stubborn I am!

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