8+ Places To Get The Best Digital Marketing News
Here’s the reality of digital marketing: It’s always evolving. Literally. Every day either someone thinks of something new, there’s a new article posted, or a new ad campaign goes live that makes the whole world pause, look, and share. So how do you stay on top of it all? Well, that’s why we’re here. We polled our office to get the details on their number one stops for digital marketing news. These were the top favorites, in no particular order:
With a couple of writers on staff, it should be no surprise that this content-creation giant is on the list. Moz delivers content about content on a silver platter, covering topics from trends in the digital marketing space to the latest in SEO optimization. If you can’t find something to read about and learn about on Moz, then that’s probably a “you” problem. Or you’re a genius.
Search Engine Land:
If your work even dips its toe into the land of Search, you should be looking at Search Engine Land. They have articles upon articles of tips, tricks, strategies and more to ensure your marketing programs are successful. And if Search Engine Land isn’t offering enough to whet your palette, take a look at their sister publications: MarTech Today and Marketing Land.
Social Media Today:
Social media is constantly changing, much like Google, and staying on top of those changes is crucial to the success of your marketing campaigns. Social Media Today compiles news on every platform, every day. Don’t just read this site, bookmark it. We promise you’ll be wanting to come back on the regular.
The truth is, if you’re looking to read heavy-hitting articles about digital marketing, this might not be the site for you. But if you’re looking to innovate on more traditional marketing tactics or just plain be inspired, AdWeek can do that for you. AdWeek does a great job of staying on top of newly launched campaigns and consumer trends without taking itself too seriously.
Also, shoutout to AdAge for embracing a similar concept and being a great bookmark for inspiration.
Marketing Dive:
If you really like your news source to dig deep into a topic, Marketing Dive is for you. Their website covers everything from marketing technology to analytics, but don’t let that scare you away. There’s plenty of creative, social and video advice as well to ensure your skills stay honed as a marketer.
It’s hard to make a list without Hubspot on it, but that’s because they do everything just right. From how-to articles for people new to the marketing world to guides to optimize any campaign, Hubspot has access to all of it for free. They even have free classes and certifications. And if you’re a Hubspot user, you gain access to a veritable university of even more information. With Hubspot around, there’s no excuse to not be at the top of your marketing game.
The Drum:
The Drum is devoted to building a community of smart marketing professionals that can learn and grow together. And if that doesn’t sell you, the content certainly will. Their site is jam-packed with marketing insights, strategies, and solutions, and best of all, theirs is a site you can feel good about frequenting. Just check out their manifesto.