

We are Recognized on Clutch Top 1,000 List

iperdesign is the proud recipient of the Clutch 1000 award for 2019. In response to our award, Eligio Sgaramella, our President and CEO commented,

“We are honored to receive this award again. We feel lucky to have worked with so many great people and organizations that have helped our company earn a position as one of the top agencies in Philadelphia, and now globally.”

In our most recent review, we were praised for our responsive and transparent work process. The client, Beth Anne Mandia is the VP of Creative Marketing at Medical Alert. Medical Alert requested a compatible branding and e-commerce site. 

When asked about the project, Ms. Mandia responded,

“They applied innovative thinking to help move the project forward. iperdesign made everything easy and communicated clearly.”

Clutch is a B2B platform that uses verified client reviews to connect businesses. They are an effective platform that builds reputations for smaller firms across the world. Using these reviews, Clutch analysts determine market leaders. Based on our client reviews, Clutch has awarded iperdesign a perfect 5-star rating!

If you would like to learn more about how iperdesign is rated, take a look at our profiles on The Manifest and Visual Objects. The Manifest is a useful business educational site that increases business visibility by providing shortlists of top-performing firms. Visual Objects features business reviews and showcases the portfolios of creative firms.

Thank you to all of our clients, friends, family, and Clutch for recognizing our hard work year after year.